
Looking Back At The Past By Christina Baker Kline

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Looking Back at the Past Christina Baker Kline, famous novelist, once said “The twist and turns of life can be so unexpected, and that’s a good thing to learn”. This was especially true for me when I first started classes at Houston Baptist. Honestly, when I first started I didn’t know what to expect from having a college experience. I was anxious about starting a new chapter of my life, where I would have to make hard choices, let alone having to take a remedial writing class. I knew that the there would be some takes I would find challenging and that overcoming them would be even more so , but nonetheless I tried my best in everything I did. I would have never expected that while I working to overcome these obstacles that I would end up having fun along the way. I meet so many new friends in English 1303, making the experience all that more exciting. …show more content…

I don’t really remember the sentences given to us in the comma exercise, but I do remember laughing a lot, so I believe that a lot of the sentences were meant to be humorous. While this experience was fun I would have to say that my favorite and most helpful would have to be learning MLA 8. I like this format a lot more than the previous, because it is a lot simpler. I never would have thought that something as important as citing your sources would have been so fun to participate in. My greatest triumph in this class would be turning a good percentage of my work on time, and later saying that I still have all my notes to look back on. The work I’m most proud of would have to be my argument paper, which I made an A on by the way. This was an example of my hard work and dedication, while at the same time being a call to do even better in the

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