Lycopene Research Paper

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Free radicals are naturally produced in the body through normal metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and fats. Other factors known to increase free radicals in our body include chronic diseases, smoking, environmental poisons, alcohol and ionizing radiation. Overproduction of free radicals can result in oxidative stress, a deleterious process that damages the cell structure. Antioxidants are chemical compounds that can bind to free oxygen radicals preventing these radicals from damaging healthy cells whereas pro-antioxidant act indirectly either by modulation of direct agents or by regulation of the biosynthesis of antioxidant proteins.
(Nurul, S. R., et. al., 2012)

Semen Oroxyli, derived from the seed of Oroxylum indicum …show more content…

Antioxidants give protection against harmful free radicals and reduce rate of cancer and heart disease. The most efficient carotenoid antioxidant is lycopene. Lycopene is a natural pigment which protects the body by neutralizing the negative effects of oxidants. In the synthesis of vitamin A lycopene plays an important role as an intermediate and carotenoid like β-carotene and β cryptoxenthin, influences its development. Lycopene is soluble in fat and synthesized by plants and microorganisms. Regular intake of lycopene containing food reduces the risk of body tumor especially prostate cancer, studies have shown that the antioxidants vitamin E, selenium, and lycopene all reduces risk of prostate cancer. Therefore, it would say that lycopene is very important for cancer prevention, it also reduces LDL cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases. It is a carotenoid and gives red colour to vegetables and fruits. Lycopene in processed foods is mainly in the form of the isomers. Its molecular formula is C40 H56 and 536.88 is its molecular …show more content…

 If the toxicological study of the whole extract or the phytoconstituent is found to be negative (above the limits), then more elaborative study has to be done to nullify the toxic effects.

 This will be an acknowledgement and recognition to the traditional system of medicine encouraging the people to follow the traditional system of medicine in the years to come.

 For developing country like India, an ideal drug for the Primary Health Care will be made available.

 This work will be a small step in achieving Health for All by 2020.

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Chemical Sciences, March - April 2014 RJPBCS 5(2) Page No. 112 – 120.

2. Santhosh W. Goveas, et. al., Evaluation of antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of stem and leaf extracts of coscinium fenestratum, Asian J Pharm Clin Res, 2013,Vol 6, Issue 3,

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