Malcolm And Stewart: Cyberbullying Epidemic

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From the moment they met in college, Malcolm and Stewart became the best of friends. Despite only knowing each other for an abrupt period of time, they would constantly long for each other’s presence. Being IT students, they love tinkering and bickering with computer software as well as playing online games. They practically did everything any best friend would do. One day, Malcolm tried a prank on Stewart that embarrassed him to some common friend of theirs. Isolating himself from Malcom, Stewart browsed the net to keep himself busy. Accidentally, he stumbled on some funny photos of Malcolm on his profile. He decided to select his best friend’s most embarrassing picture edited to hilarious proportions. Thinking it would make for a fine payback, …show more content…

The victim is likely to emit a militant conduct in dealing with the majority as his/her defense mechanism to the issue at hand. Inadvertently, causing depression. Cyberbullying victims showed a higher rate for depression than face-to-face bullying victims, most likely due to the anonymity associated with online interaction. (National Institutes of Health, 2010) The victim may also be subjected to a variety of mood swings even in usual undertakings making him emotionally precarious. Ultimately leading to temporary “malfunction” in several aspects. According to NIH’s Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Division of Epidemiology, Statistics and Prevent Research, bullying hinders a student’s ability to achieve academic success, may stunt the development of a child’s social skills, and can also interfere with an individual’s general sense of …show more content…

Unless the victim is reassured of the perpetrator’s captivity, his constant restlessness unconsciously alters his way of thinking. He tends to recall the posts and begins to analyze who was behind it all even while tackling other problems as well. In short, he feels that everyone has seen the post and is afraid to embarrass himself/herself all the more. “In the aftermath of being bullied, victims may develop a variety of psychological as well as somatic symptoms, some of which may persist into adulthood.” (Dr. Randy A. Sansone, Consequences of