
Malcolm X's Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry

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“There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time”- Malcolm x. The novel Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry is about a black family in the 1930’s who live in the south america who are trying to keep their land and way of life in country made for a white a white person's success. Placed in rural Mississippi the logan family struggle through the humongous amount of racism, unjust treatment. Segregation every day but they manage to get through every challenge that is thrown at them with lots of courage and perseverance to spare.Courage is the ability to do something that frightens you or someone else in the act of justice. It takes a …show more content…

It also takes courage to give your life for the rights as a human being.
In the novel Roll of thunder hear my cry there are several characters who have shown enormous amounts of courage. One character in the book who shown courage is papa or mr logan. Papa showed big amounts of courage when he risks his life to do a boycott against the wallaces. After a black man is burned to death for no other reason except that they saw his nephews talking to a white girl. On the way back from getting the orders from vicksburg him Mr.Morison and stacey get attacked by the wallaces and papa gets his leg broken and his head is grazed by a bullet. Another event that papa shows courage through is when he Lights his cotton on fire. When T j is about to get hung because of something he didn't do papa Mr.morison and Uncle hammer pack their guns to go and save T J. Somewhere in between the trip leaving to save T J papa realizes that guns are not going to stop the wallaces and that it would only cost him and his family more trouble. After he realizes that this wasn't a good idea papa lights his cotton on fire causing the wallaces to put their …show more content…

The first piece of evidence of courage in the poem is how the professor reacts to the threat from the kkk. After A professor joins a all black hospital run by all white employes he get threats from the KKK. The KU klux klan was a organization founded in 1866 that was based off of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. The klan has been split or jailed because of the actions of the kkk being referred as a form of terrorism but there are still people who think like this klan to this date. The threat that was given to the professor said that if you don't quit your job by tuesday we will kill you, so how the professor reacts and response to the threat is he stays instead of leavening and even goes to the extent of praying for the klan in hope that god would fix them and show them that what they were doing was not right and not. How theses actions show courage is because that if someone to threaten somebody and the threatener has a13 history of killing a lot of your race they would probably do what the thretener says but the professor did different he stayed because he probably felt that he was not going to let himself get kicked out of the position as

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