
Marge Cox: Executive Summary

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Marge Cox indicates the importance of a school’s finance. She gives ten tips to administrators for improving their school’s finance. Marge recommends creating a budget first. The purpose for making a budget is to make administrators and faculty understand the allocation of money. Marge also recommends fostering the budget by cooperating with others. She says, “Today’s students form tomorrow’s public library users, college students, and newspaper subscribers, so the sharing benefits schools and their collaborators” (25). Marge considers that the relationship between schools and the society plays an important role. From her perspective, making a long-range plan is necessary because it affects a school’s future growth and operation. In this article, Marge proclaims a progressive idea. She emphasizes that students are the center. She indicates that students should be self-activity directors in helping school balance the budget. Therefore, this critique will analyze author’s …show more content…

First of all, making a budget helps administrators know how much money they will spend for school’s needs. Creating the budget is a good way to develop a school’s financial management because administrators have a plan in their minds. In other words, administrators know the range of expenses. Secondly, Marge Cox proclaims the necessity of collaboration with others. Christian traditional education clarifies that administrators need to establish a good relationship with others. I Peter 3:8 says, “Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous.” The purpose for having a good relationship with others is to show school’s care. Thirdly, making a long-range plan is significant because it maintains the development of the school. This three-year plan helps administrators have a “safe” area which means they can have extra funds to purchase when it is

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