Ap Synthesis Essay Library

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Because libraries hold fundamental values of education and community, their role in the ever-progressing America is one that will stay prominent and resourceful since libraries hold the indispensable source of knowledge and opportunity.

A library’s role in a community should be ever changing, but consistent. As our needs and demands of a society progress, so should our resources. A library should always function for the people first. Necessary changes have to be met to facilitate these demands. As beginning to be implemented by libraries in St. Paul, “mobile computer labs” have been visiting minority communities (Source C). This shows a library’s ability to understand and fulfill its purpose. This being to educate those who wouldn’t normally have …show more content…

Though a library’s physical building is as crucial as the information it provides, the finance towards these funds have been decreasing. According to the American Library Association, in the US, “more than 40% of participating states have reported decreased public library fundings” (Source F). These funds are what go towards allowing the library to build its resources that aid the communities and what allows it to expand instead of forcing it to lose what makes it great. TRANSITION, it is what is accomplished today that sets our foundation for the next step. By examining the current way of conduct, predictions can be made for tomorrow. The Knights Foundation’s library has been able to preservers through any cuts and focus it’s revisions on helping “to show what the library of tomorrow should be” with “innovative projects and leaders” (Source C). This shows that success and prosperity is not determined by a huge fund, but being able to focusing what it has been given and using it to the best of the abilities. It is this resourcefulness and perseverance that demonstrates the library’s role and ability to live on to fulfill its purpose to time