Marilyn Monroe Conspiracy Essay

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Maddie Colwell Mrs. Sheatz/Mr. Vaughn English 12/American Government 30th April 2024 The Conspiracy of Marilyn Monroe's death and involvement with the Kennedys Who was Marilyn Monroe and what was she defined for? Marilyn Monroe was America’s main lady in the 50’s and 60’s. She paved the way for women's freedom, and her voice was a woman beyond her time, that was wrapped up in a lot of controversial things. She was exploded, over-sexualized, and victimized by those around her. A strong woman who faced many challenges including her mental health, but sadly it was just a fight she couldn't win. Or was it really her fault? Marilyn Monroe was and still is one of the biggest icons of women all over the world. She inspired many trends like fashion, …show more content…

She overdosed on sleeping pills, which was not uncommon for her to take to aid her in sleep, but the pills that were found in her system were not her normal prescription. The dose amount was too much to even ingest; they would have had to have been injected and or mixed into her drink, and there was no trace of the pills on the crime scene, not a bottle, nothing. This is where speculation of foul play began, due to some of the details just not making sense. Marilyn was seeing a physicist and they had advised her to start recording herself on tapes like an audible journal. She would talk about things like her day, her goals, and things she was excited about. When these tapes were found, it just didn't make sense because she genuinely seemed happy and excited about her future. These tapes were never revealed to the public until a Netflix documentary called “Blonde” was released in 2023 where they play several of the tapes and talk about the death of Marilyn. JFK was very upset when he heard the news of Marilyn’s passing. It is also speculated that Robert Kennedy was the last to see her before her death, but again that is just one of many rumors. Marilyn got caught up in a lot of bad stuff being involved with the Kennedy brothers, she just started to know too much information about the government and when they began to distance themselves from her because they believed she was too fragile to handle the information, she threatened to reveal classified information about the works of area 51 and many other government secrets. Making her a loose

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