Marilyn Monroe Research Paper

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Marilyn Monroe was born into a burdensome and bleak childhood on June 1, 1926, in Los Angeles, California. Her mother was abandoned by her unknown father before she was born The trouble started early for Marilyn as her mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia and Monroe was bounced around foster homes (International Dictionary 2). This rough early start greatly affected Monroe’s adult life as it would anyone. The constant fear that she would go crazy always haunted her. In addition to the stress of constantly changing homes Monroe was molested several times starting as early as the age of eight (Discovering Biography 2). Although her childhood was full of pain and worry, it’s most likely where she got her inspiration to be an actress. She was …show more content…

Some may say this marriage was an early indicator of her future with men as she tended to have a “painful, naked, and embarrassing need for love,” but it was not. It was an escape from her past and hardships. Her husband joined the marines and while he was away Monroe was discovered at the Radio Plane plant where she was currently employed (St. James 1). She snatched her first big break and left her husband behind. Her quickness to take up modeling can be criticized as rushed. It only shows how ambitious she was at such a young age and how high her standards …show more content…

Unable to deal with the fact that she was a sex symbol they divorced 9 months later. Two years later she married Arthur Miller (St. James 2). Monroe married what she wanted in life. In her first marriage it was an escape. In her second marriage it was more fame. In her third marriage it was to be taken seriously. Her calculating efforts are what got her far in the industry. Miller tried to help MOnroe rid herself of the “dumb blonde” image she obtained in Some Like it Hot. He wrote The Misfits for her but it did not work. Anything Marilyn tried would not have worked. America didn’t want her to have a brain or be taken seriously because her worst fear had come true: she was an item. An item that was placed upon a pedestal with certain ideals placed upon her that towards the end of her life she could not