Mars Hill Pre School Summer Camp And The Educational Material From Educational Psychology

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Introduction As an early childhood education major, Educational Psychology was one of the courses I was required to take. Throughout this course, I also worked at Mars Hill Pre School summer camp which played an important factor to this course as well as my future as becoming a teacher. Taking part of being a leader in this summer camp, as well as being a student in this course, both worked together by helping me grow as a teacher. The courses material taught me new knowledge that helped assist my experience as a leader for Mars Hill’s summer camp. My experience with Mars Hill summer camp and the educational material from Educational Psychology is something I will treasure because of the memories that were made and the new knowledge I gained that will help me within my future classrooms.
Mars Hill Pre School Summer Camp Mars Hill’s summer camp was a camp that provided a creative curriculum to support active learning in the early childhood ages to help promote progress in the children’s developmental …show more content…

One little boy from my group has an adopted little sister from China who is three years old. I had him and his little sister, as well as his cousin who is also five years old. His older brother was in another group, but told me how his entire family went to China in June and is adopting another little child from China. He seemed okay about this but that now makes five children and I don’t think his older brother liked the idea too much so they tended to argue and not get along at home but at camp they seemed to get along fine. Having a rough life at home or not, it didn’t seem to stop the children’s enthusiasm to play yet learn about what they were doing. After spending over twenty hours with all of these children, it was nice to see how much progress they have made academically not just from last year but just in the past

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