Martin Luther The 95 Analysis

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The 95 these was an indulgence written in 1517 by Martin Luther. Indulgences is the action or fact of indulging. Most of you are like wait why is the 95 theses important, well I am about to tell you. The 95 theses was how martin thought of the corruption within the church. The reason Martin was concerned is because the pope’s of the church would tell people that if they didn't pay like $5000 to the church they would go to hell. The people of the church never got to read a Bible do they didn’t know if they were telling the truth or not. The pope were basically the only people who got to read a Bible, so to me the pope were robbing people and making them think by this way they would go to heaven. Martin Luther was a monk, a monk is was men who lived under obedience. …show more content…

Martin thought this thing was horrible so he went and copied like 15 pages of the 95 theses and put it on the walls of the churches so people could read them. Martin realized by doing this he was facing death, but Luther was given protection by Prince Frederick of Saxony. In one of the castle rooms Luther was translating the Bible into German language. Martin’s books made people inspired to follow him, but when they did they were called protestant; people who protested against the pope. Martin thought that the people of the church decisive a Bible so they could see for themselves how to get saved and see what God would like for them to do. The 95 theses was a list of questions that Martin had for debate. Martin was one of few people who believed that indulgence was wrong and then after the 95 theses more people got involved. Most of you are like wait who are the pope. The pope was the ONLY people who could read the Bible and tell the church members what they have to do to be saved. The pope were lying to the church members for a very long time and martin luther was one of the people who saw