Maslow And Herzberg's Theory: The Evolution Of Management

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Ever since the dawn of civilized life Management has been in use, since times such as Greek Civilisation and The Roman Empire it has played a vital role in work and has so for thousands of years as well as the many that are to come. Since then management has changed significantly, the evolution of management thought can be separated into Classical theories i.e Scientific Management and Bureaucracy and Modern theories (Tiernan, Morley 2013). Management is currently a major role in working life and the study of human motivation assist managers in gaining an understanding of how workers can be managed in a manner to that they will work at maximum capacity. This has led me to research the currently very popular theories of Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) …show more content…

Both theories can be compared as a relationship evidently exists between both theories as Herzberg’s Hygiene factors corresponds with Maslow’s first three steps of Physiological, safety and belongingness, factors within these steps include criteria such as basic pay and work conditions. (Pardee 1990) However, Maslow’s first 3 steps are considered motivators in contrast to Herzberg’s hygiene factors. It’s not surprised that they overlap as both studies were conducted following the release of the Hawthorn Study results. The Hawthorn studies have evidently had a major impact on how management was viewed leading to the findings of both theorists which overlap as stated …show more content…

From the arguments above I believe that both Psychologists have various similarities whilst then ranging with some contrasts too. The similarities and contrasts give us a more narrow view of how these theorists have contributed to management and how yet a theory can be so similar yet differ in various different ways. They are both similar in the manner that both theories are have factors and are both content theories of management however, then differ with each having their unique theory to how employees are motivated along with each theory having different steps involved with that too. My research has also leaded me to also see some intriguing and yet fair criticism of both theories which led to me questioning the theories and wonder which occupations they would be useful in and the ones that wouldn’t be. This then made the research of both theorists more interesting by far as I got to gain a greater understanding of more modern theories which are in use