Mbti Profile Essay

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University of the People Emotional Intelligence Assignment Unit 5 My MBTI profile is INFP, and as a leader this has bearing on how I think in terms of feelings and perceive issues before judging or rating things. I am moved by visions and goals and objective through the use of initiative and remodeling of information, idea and concepts for my business purpose. I am a passionate person, so I hardly engage in analysis paralysis before I take a step to do something about any given issue. Taking decision is exciting for me. I love taking decisions because it is part of a leaders core responsibility function. Following up on compassionately and empathizing is a major part of me, and these help me get support also from others. Leadership is therefore an exemplary behavior, it is modeling …show more content…

From my experience, so many people do not think of verbal abuse as any bad thing, in fact verbal abuse is normal way of living to some people. Yet, verbal abuse is what triggers physical violence in homes and schools and the entire society. Two market traders will first abuse themselves and then the next occurrence is exchange of blows and fists. NVC suggested many exercises such as breathing exercise, discharging the pressure to objects or showing negative emotions in writing. On the other hand, SCARF: means status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness and fairness. All these three are for social interaction purpose. While SCARF is essential for individuals to determine how they live well and better with others in the corporate workplace environment or teams. SCARF studies brain reaction to issues in relation to approach and avoid responses. Interrelationship is understudied with strategic step to reduce what demotivates and encourage what motivates people to perform better. Leaders will know how , to give the best feedback that have productive and visible impact in