Modern Day Fairy Tale Today

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It has been said by many people that fairytales are no longer valid today. However, this is not so. Indeed, as seen in tales read this semester, it is clear that fairytales are valuable in today’s world. This is evident because these stories are educational, entertaining, and enlightening. First, fairytales are educational for today’s world. In other words, fairytales are educational because they teach people a lesson to protect themselves. Take for example, “Little Red Riding Hood”. While little red riding hood mother prepared her grandmother some treats, her mother warned her not to talk to strangers. Although she spoke to a dangerous wolf, and put herself and her grandmother in danger, they both helped each other kill the wolf and saved themselves. Another example is “ Hansel and Gretel”. Although Hansel and Gretel’s stepmother were mean to them and wanted to abandon them in the woods, Hansel was educated to …show more content…

In other words, fairytales are entertaining because they engaging and comical. Take for example, “Mother Hulda”. Finding her stepsister with gold and luxuries gifted by Mother Hulda, her stepmother sent her lazy daughter to Mother Hulda’s house for gold and luxuries. After not listening and doing all of her chores incorrectly, and demanding gold and luxuries. Mother Hulda gifted her something else instead, and sent her home to her mother. Another example is, “Cinderella”. After Cinderella’s mother died her father remarried a cruel and harsh women with two mean daughters. Cinderella obeyed every command she was told to do. After one night of going to the ball the prince feel in love with her, the stepdaughters wanted to marry the prince even though there foot didn’t fit. Cinderella taught them a lesson by trying on the shoe and marrying the prince, leaving her stepmother and sister to work hard the rest of they’re lives. In both fairytales, they are entertaining because they are engaging and