Module 4 Assignment: Health Literacy In Elementary Schools

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Module 4 Assignment Health literacy in the elementary school setting impacts all levels of communication with families, students, and school administrators. My strategies to impart health knowledge have varied widely and achieved differing levels of success. In this paper, I will attempt to discuss the populations I serve and how communication needs vary among them.
Health Literacy in School My daily patient population can include preschool through grade three students, their parents, teachers, and administrators. My explanatory and instructive skills must vary widely to accommodate this range of clients. Students need to understand complex issues in simple terms, such as a stomach looking like a balloon with a tube at the top and bottom. Parents during stressful times need to comprehend a wide variety of symptoms to monitor for and the appropriate actions to take if they are noted. I am specifically thinking of concussive signs and symptoms for this example. School administrators and …show more content…

The health and safety of their child have been impacted by their participation in either a school or non-school related event. The school event causes concern that this happened in a monitored setting. The non-school event is usually a delayed suspicion of injury being assessed by the school nurse thus creating guilt for the parent that they might have missed their child’s injury. Either of these cases requires diplomacy and patience to teach vital information that they will need to understand to appropriately assess and monitor their child for. I utilize a fairly wordy fact sheet from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) translated in Spanish and English. Creating a one-page mostly bullet pointed sheet which stresses important concerns to monitor for in simple language, no longer than five words in length, has provided me with a useful