Muslim Discrimination And Summary

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Over the past 13 years, Muslims have been the target of discrimination and stereotyping not only in the workforce, but also in society. As the discrimination has grown, there is an increasing amount of information and support for the Muslim community. Addressed in this document is discrimination in a general format, two informational websites specifically about Muslims, and how companies can successfully manage diversity. Of the two Muslim oriented websites, one focuses on the political action that the Muslim community is involved in, and the other focuses on societal education about the Islamic faith,


The though process behind discrimination can best be explained through Figure 1, where …show more content…

According to the article, MPAC works with a group, representing approximately 12 religions, whose purpose it is to educate others about each religion, and support each group in their quest for religious freedom in the United States (Muslim Public Affairs Council 2, (n.d.)). Required by their faith, Muslims must pray five times a day. These prayer times usually conflict with, “inflexible work schedules” and cause discrimination to occur in the workplace (Reece, 2014, pg 331). Discrimination such as this should be avoided in the workplace. According to Barry Reece, author of Effective Human Relations, a company will be most successful when they utilize the diversity within the company (pg 335). Having a diverse workforce, like employing Isslamic workers, helps the company “satisfy clients and customers from diverse backgrounds” because they are “more likely to understand them” (Reece, 2014 pg 335).

Islam 101

Discrimination is not only happening in the workplace, it is also within the whole of society. One of the biggest combatants of discrimination is education; that is why education about Islam is the mission for Islam 101 is a database, like Google, that links searchers to information about anything they want to know about the Muslim culture and the Islamic Faith. The information found on Islam 101’s website provides adequate evidence to combat stereotypes against …show more content…

Hiring practices must be organized to encourage diversity and not stifle it. One way to promote diversity is to “plug into networks that are often ignored by corporate recruiters” (Reece, 2014, pg 338). Not only must there be hiring diversity, but there needs to be a culture within the corporation to support new, diverse, employees in an effort to reduce turnover rates.

Training and Development

Finally, training and development is important to building a work culture that embraces and celebrates diversity. Voluntary training opportunities are effective in advancing organizational goals (Reece, 2014). This training can be most valuable to middle managers because they have hiring, developmental, and promotional powers over employees; they will be the ones who provide support for a diverse workplace culture.


In a society that demands diversity, discrimination is prevalent in the workplace. A clear example of this discrimination can be seen aimed at the Muslim community. However, with educational sources such as and, individuals can learn more about the Islamic culture, and overcome their prejudices. Companies can also support their employees by encouraging diversity in the workplace through their dedication to diversity, and follow through in support of a diverse