
My First Draft Of My Beloved World By Sonia Sotomayor

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Before writing my first draft, I read the text by Sonia Sotomayor, My Beloved World. As I read, I connected to the text emotionally, which led me to pick topic B and write about it. After picking my topic, I started to go back in my book and highlighted the important sentences that stood out to me, to begin my first draft. I made a lot of edits in my paper that needed to be changed because the structure of my paper was not clearly typed. I did not make a lot of mistakes, but I did have errors, which led the structure of my paper to be confusing. I took one paragraph out and a few sentences. I also had to try and connect my sentences together to make it flow better. I learned a lot about my topic. I learned that there are many people in the world that are experiencing abandonment by their parents. I found it really heartbreaking because I would never ever do that to my future children. Not even my own parents do that and I am so grateful that they don’t. During the writing process, I took a lot of time trying to connect my ideas together and make clear sentences. …show more content…

They mostly focused on my punctuation and grammar, rather than giving me suggestions on how to fix the structure of my paper.I accepted their suggestions and fixed my errors, but I did not get what I wanted, which is critical feedback. Even though I dislike critical feedback, I do want help before I meet with Professor Reich about my paper. After reviewing someone else’s work, I saw how they connected their sentences from paragraph to paragraph, giving the reader a clearer structure of their

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