Reflection On Management Styles

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My management styles assessment unit 2 module 2.
Growing up in a time when bosses and teachers led in a mostly domination or coercion style (Northouse pg. 14), I never imagined myself being a leader. My personal style is mostly intrapersonal (Gardner, Multiple Intelligences, available at: and in my past experiences at school and work, I believed that I did not have the qualities needed to be a leader ie; to dominate and coerce people. However, as I have grown professionally and personally I have come to realise that there are different types of leadership styles and each are effective in their own way. From my personal experiences, I firmly believe that almost everyone can be a leader if they …show more content…

My strengths are that I have a strong understanding of the school’s organization and goals and encourage the school to be involved in the improvement of the wider community. As key stage coordinator I feel I am approachable and always available for people to speak personally about their professional development or personal lives, but always give my team of teachers the freedom to tackle situations in their own classrooms using their own judgement. (Northouse, 2006) My team of teachers and children I teach are secure in their knowledge of my expectations, morals and ethics. The colleges I asked for feedback comment’s were varied, some enjoyed the freedom I gave them while others felt that this was in fact showed lack of participation in my management style (The Full Range Leadership Model). My goal for the is to make all teachers under my management to feel empowered if to feel that I am making making decisions based on all of their concerns, not just the more vocal people. (Nothouse 2006)Another weakness in my leadership style that I would like address is the Charisma aspect of leadership. I am comfortable when leading small groups such as my key stage or on a 1 to 1 basis of peer mentoring. I tend to get very nervous when having to speak in front of large groups of people which would make it difficult to lead a school. I also have a weakness in negotiating conflict and try to encourage people to work it out themselves because I do not like to be seen as having preferences amongst people. I tend to worry about what other people want more than concentrating on the problem, which can make decision making difficult because you cannot always make everyone happy ie; group pressure can influence my decisions (Northouse,