
My Philosophy Statement

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As a child, I never understood education. I didn’t understand why we needed to go to school to learn; can’t our families teach us all they have learned over the years? In my younger years I hated school, I thought it was the worst, Over the years I have been a student, I have realized there are countless reasons we need to school for. After struggling in school, I tried to reach out to my parents for help, but there were numerous problems which they were unable to help me solve or figure out. My philosophy of education has changed over the years. After originally hating the entire concept of school, I’ve grown to love it, and am dreading the end of school.
Multiple people think that the education system is worthless, yet it isn’t. Although …show more content…

Like I said before, all students learn differently than others, and some aren’t fantastic with testing. There are countless students who have anxiety when it comes to testing. There is so much stress and pressure put on the student’s because these tests literally are what determines if they graduate. This increases the difficulty those students who aren’t fantastic test takers face, something they struggle with determines if they graduate.
Nearly everyone has their own opinion on how the education system should be. There is a various amount of people who believe only basic knowledge should be taught in school, by this I’m meaning that only skills that will be useful to these students when they start working should be taught. However, this is an issue because everyone has their own interests and at a very young age, students aren’t able to determine what they will want to be when they get …show more content…

After I read each theory of how schools should be I came up with one that I agree with the most would be Existentialism. To elaborate, I agree with existentialism is because I believe that we should get to choose what happens in our lives. Although, I also believe that there should be some structure to education some classes should be mandatory. Also, I believe that students Shouldn’t get to start shaping their education until an older age, such as; in grade eight through

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