
Negative Effects Of Pony And Johnny In The Outsiders

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Ponyboy gets jumped and the rest of the gang saves him.This is important so we could see how the Soc’s and the Greasers act.This is a negative for Ponyboy because he got cut. Ponyboy and johnny meet cherry valance at the movie. This is a positive for pony and johnny because they got to met a nice soc. Ponyboy comes home late because he slept at the lot and darry slaps him.This is a negative because it made ponyboy think darry hates him. The soc’s find johnny and ponyboy.They tried to kill ponyboy so johnny killed bob.This is a negative because it shapes the rest of the book. After johnny killed bob ponyboy and johnny went to dally.This is a positive because dally gave him money and a place to hide. Johnny and ponyboy spent a week in
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