
Neil Armstrong Persuasive Speech Outline

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(1) Topic Sentence: Extracurricular activities support a child and help them in their future.
(3) Attention Grabber: Did you know that Neil Armstrong was a boy scout? To many people, Armstrong is a role model and an extremely famous and brave person. As a young boy, Neil Armstrong learned self-discipline, leadership, and control. These characteristics helped him complete the world-renowned Apollo Mission.
(2) Background Information: Extracurricular activities were first introduced in places such as Harvard and Yale University because they are believed to play an essential role in developing well-rounded individuals who are prepared to be successful.
(4) Thesis Statement: Extracurriculars have many effects. They help people become well-rounded, …show more content…

(2) Rebuttal: For some students, 2-3 extracurriculars may be too many because they have to take care of family and have critical responsibilities. However, 2 to 3 extracurricular activities only add up to about 5-10 hours per school week for the people that don’t. That's two hours a day, meaning you would still have time to do homework and hang out with friends.
(3) Specific (quoted) Evidence: According to a study by the University of Florida, “teens took part in two to three extracurricular activities and spent about 5 hours per week on them.”
(4a) Rebuttal Analysis: While it may be true that extracurriculars can take up time, they can help children manage their time responsibly. Additionally, many students participate in after-school activities for more than 3 hours and still manage to balance homework and their activities.
(4b) Significance: This is significant because it demonstrates how even with after-school activities, There is still plenty of time in between to get schoolwork done. It also highlights the point that children can learn time management skills at a younger age, which will benefit them a lot in the upcoming …show more content…

(2) Rebuttal: While that may be true for some people, studies prove that extracurriculars improve academic performance. Extracurriculars also stretch far beyond just academics and can help with social skills and character traits that are valued by employers.
(3) Specific (quoted) Evidence: According to Crimson Education, “Lots of studies have been conducted on the relationship between extracurricular activities and academic performance and they all show that students who participate in them have higher grades, more positive attitudes toward school, and higher academic aspirations.”
(4a) Rebuttal Analysis: While some people may think that extracurriculars aren't worth the stress and commitment and that it lessens academic performance, the evidence above proves that extracurriculars are in fact worth it because they do improve academic performance.
(4b) Significance: This demonstrates the impact that extracurricular activities can have on a student's attitude and academic performance toward school. Not only can they lead to higher grades, but they can also improve a student’s well being and enjoyment of

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