Neph And Josie: A Narrative Fiction

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Gertrude gave him the stink-eye and said, “This beast, as you call my friend, has more class then the three of you knuckleheads put together, now I'll ask you to go away and leave us alone.” Josie's problem male put his hand on Josie's shoulder and said, “Don't be like that...” His speech was interrupted when Josie's serving tray came into unexpected and rapid contact with his face. He lost his temper and pushed Josie's chair over, dumping the girl onto the floor, that's when things got hairy. Neph stood up, snarled at the man and pushed him halfway across the room, taking out two tables and sending the patrons scurrying for the door. The other two men moved aggressively toward Neph, but Gertrude put herself between them and him. “Don't be …show more content…

They ran out the door as the dwarf continued to wail on them. “GET OUT AND DON”T COME BACK.” The man Neph had sent flying across the room, squeezed behind the dwarf and made for the door, but not before he received a couple of whacks of his own. The barkeep helped Josie off the floor and she brushed herself off. “Thanks Harb, I'm sorry, but I quit, I can't take any more of this …show more content…

“I think I'm drunk. Do you think I'm druck, I mean drunk Josie?” “You're drunk alright, you should have sipped at your drink half the night instead of gulping it down all at once. Where are you staying at?” Gertrude said, “In Meldopolis. Neph, give me a piggyback ride like you used to do.” She pulled her hands loose and climbed onto Neph's back. “Go Neph, go fast...Wheeeeeee!” Josie ran after the dopey girl and her hairy mount, they where six blocks away, before the ape stopped and she caught up. She grabbed hold of Neph's arm, just in case they decided to take off again. Gertrude was giggling into the ape's hairy back. After she caught her breath Josie asked, “Neph, where are you two staying?” Neph scratched his head and looked around. Josie groaned, “You don't know?” Neph looked at her and nodded. “Gertrude, do you know where your room is?” Gertrude stopped giggling long enough to look around and then she burst into laughter. “I...don't....know....either,” she said between