Not Fitting In High School Essay

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Not fitting in with anybody in high school can ruin your feelings about high school. This is usually caused by low self-esteem and different social groups. When in high school, being able to fit in is every student’s desire, but I know while I was in high school that I wanted people to accept me for who I was. The effects of this can be that some students, think they have to be someone they are not just so people can like them. I know this, because that is how I felt when I was a freshman in high school. Also, it can make the high schooler think that doing something like drugs, just to impress the social group they are trying to fit in, or get to like them. The first cause of why high school students are not able to fit in is, that some high school students struggle with low self-esteem. One way low self-esteem can be caused is by the way that person looks. It is common in high school students to be uncomfortable with the way they look. The cause behind that can be, the world sometimes view people that are overweight or uncomfortable with their bodies as …show more content…

The most common groups in high school are athletes, cheerleaders, band members, and the smart students also known as nerds. Not every student is athletic, flexible, really smart, and can play a musical instrument. If the student is not either one of those than I think that it would be very difficult to fit in. When students are a part of social groups like the ones I gave examples of it is easier to be accepted by people in high school, because groups like athletes are role models and leaders of the school most likely. Nerds also play a leadership role in the school such as being president and valedictorian. I have seen students that do not fit in well with a certain crowd get bullied by the social group that they were trying to fit