Nursing Course Review Paper

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While reviewing the nursing courses offered at Rutgers University, the order of the courses begins with the basic theory and then advancement of the information. Once the student progress and conquer a milestone, the building of the next level will incorporated the next level of information in it. This building block of knowledge is an organized form of educating the students to insure the student will retained and understand the information. The curriculum nucleus is comprised of many teaching elements and a written teaching plan that circumfuses and arranges the curriculum with rationales (Billings & Halstead, 2012). This system has key steps, communication, values with strengths and limitations, patient care outcomes, to provide safe and effective patient care, and professional informatics (Billings & Halstead, 2012). The structured courses reflect and are consistent with the curriculum at Rutgers University. The curriculum at Rutgers University is consistent and organized. The course starts in an educational building block fashion that allows the student to consume the information by understanding the basic first (Billings & Halstead, 2012). The degree of consistency is equal throughout the courses. The faculty insures the student has conquered and is ready to advance to the next level of the studies. This method is utilized …show more content…

In the curriculum, listing Rutgers University informs the potential student of the requirements and desired grade. The pre-requisites are clearly listed in a bold text. The sequence of courses promotes the success of the student. Example 57:705:411 Research in Nursing to be taken in the fall semester of the junior year: prerequisite 50:960:183 or 50:830:250, Community Health Nursing and Global Health-Theory pre-requisites 57:705:401, 402, 403, and 404. Moreover, the courses are written in bold under the description with