Work Life Stress Analysis

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According from the book of Oxford Concise Dictionary. “Stress is being subjected to physical, mental or emotional strain in response to real or imagined stimuli. These stimuli, known as stresses induce a natural “flight-or-fight” response in the body, as the body prepares to respond to a real or imagined threat to its equilibrium."

Stress is an inevitable part of our life, no matter who you are, no matter what you are doing it will always affect your own personal aspect of life. Whether you work in an office or from home, stress will always push us to work harder to cope with work deadlines.

A lot of factors contributing from getting stress were in our body responses like having financial stress, work life stress or working too much, loved life stress, family stress, friends stress, and many more. But when stress is prolonged and not managed properly it becomes chronic where it compromise and gives an impact your overall health.

FERN-C can help you have an easier work life too!

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As a nurse, I always make sure as 101% to keep my immune system healthy, as well as my family and same with my patient to prevent transmitting of bacteria.

Above all, FERN-C truly helps us in making the stress and hassle of going to work and coping with work deadlines easier and more bearable. Fern- C is not just about knowing how to stay healthy; it’s actually doing what makes you healthy every day in all aspects in your life that being healthy becomes a second nature to you.

Your goal is to live a long, happy life, full of joy and satisfaction, to realize your potential, and to become everything you are capable of becoming. The starting point of achieving balance and make life easier is for you to set your own happiness as the primary goal of your life, and then organize everything you do to achieve that