
Obesity In America Essay

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In America the horrific epidemic of obesity is unraveling drastically everyday and Americans are trying to find the solution for the causes of it. It has gotten harder to eat healthier everyday and the average American does not always have time to cook a healthy meal. Due to the typical American having to go to work or school, it is much easier for them to get a cheap and full meal at a local McDonald’s. Not only are American’s weight on the rise, so is the risk of getting conditions such as heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, etc. However, some people don’t understand that constantly eating fast food is a major cause of obesity. Since businesses advertise how convenient and cheap eating their food is, it is easier for people to eat …show more content…

A disease known in skinny people is anorexia, it is where one has a loss of appetite and is unable to eat. Many people get this disease due to them wanting to look and feel skinny. Those with this disease do such things as making themselves throw up and forcing themselves to not eat at all. Although it is more common in thin people, a person who is obese can also have anorexia it just is not physically shown. Just because one appears healthy on the outside does not mean that they are on the inside. These type of people are known as to be skinny fat, they appear healthy on the outside but may be very unhealthy on the inside. It is more dangerous to be skinny fat than it is to be obese because they neglect to eat healthy because they assume that they are doing well due to their appearance. It is very unsafe to assume that looking slim and healthy ensures that a person is doing well. Skinny fat is defined as a person who has a poor diet and lacks the exercise they need. Due to their lack of fitness they also have a lack of muscle mass. A person can be considered skinny fat if one naturally has a fast metabolism because they do not feel the need to eat well or exercise because they are slim and appear

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