Officer's Standard Code Of Ethics In The US

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There are a number of different unethical behaviors that are prevalent throughout the case study. They range from abuse of power to larceny to conspiracy. Each of these items is unacceptable behavior for anyone, but especially for anyone working in law enforcement. Each of the three officers indicted was responsible for numerous transgressions and multiple acts that directly contrast a law unit’s standard code of ethics. The unethical behaviors prevalent within the case study were all interrelated. The first was the officer’s agreement or conspiracy to remove items from homes being searched for personal gain. These items were not related to a crime or investigation, but instead were things the officers wished to possess. The second was the …show more content…

To start each officer will be laid off. This will restrict the officer’s income. Secondly with the officer’s indictment they could face jail time. On another level now that the officer’s family and friends know about their dealings there is sure to be a loss in respect and trust at home. Each officer could face a myriad of problems in their personal lives depending on their family and each officer’s financial situation. An article published by the Aveta Business Institute states, “An employee working for an employer or company with unethical, deceptive, and dishonest conduct will be directly affected physically and mentally, and may even come down with emotional and health related problems because of it.” (“Consequences of Unethical Business”, n.d). This would severely affect each of the guilty party’s personal lives. The officer’s personal lives are thrown completely off center by their unethical …show more content…

I would maintain a high ethical resolve that reflected not only the law but also my department’s code of ethics and my own moral compass. This would mean not only avoiding involvement in unethical practices but also encouraging my peers to avoid unethical decisions. If my peers got involved in unethical practices I would attempt to confront them directly. If they do not self-correct I would have no choice but to take the issue up the chain until I found leadership that would act on my recommendations. Doing this will present significant risk to my personal reputation as well as my physical well-being. Being labeled as a “stiff” who follows the rules can be detrimental to my reputation within the department. In addition if my attempts to break up the unethical acts gain enough attention it might bring physical action against me. If the unethical acts are profitable enough for the perpetrator they might physically attack me resulting in injury or death. So I would have to take steps to ensure my own personal safety, in addition to maintaining a positive public view on the