
Old Spice: Usage Of Mass Communication In Advertising

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Written task rationale The objective of my written task is to not only explain to you, the reader, but also the usage of mass communication in the advertisement for men’s body wash and cologne (old spice). The commercial has many different Aristotelian appeals incorporated into it to make for the perfect attention grabber, continuously gaining more fame for its outrageous usage of editing and over exaggeration the commercial truly does fit as a good source for learning how certain words or strong languages are used to persuade someone of a certain ideological position and where do we exactly see evidence of persuasive language in the media (advertisement). The written task will be constructed as a letter to where I (Erich Cater) am writing …show more content…

Terry you are known mainly as the “old spice guy” and this title has given you a truly large and vast amount of supporters and fans. The Old Spice commercials you participate in connect to a large audience of men and women which is most likely your target audience. The Ad targets women in a way of showing them something their man could be like if he were to use the soap and the ad targets men by showing them they can get women and also have outrageous characteristics that would make them feel like they have transcended humanity. You tend to get the views hype by screaming and unlike other commercials the aggressive tone you use does attract an audience and make them want to listen more due to the abnormality of your actions compared to other commercial actors who tend to usually use a softer and gentler tone to convey their product and or opposition of a product. The usage of humor also plays a very substantial part of how you can convey an audience of a certain ideological position. There was a reaction test done on your videos by a channel on YouTube known as FBE (Fine Bros Entertainment) where they gather people or different races and age groups to react to a certain trending topic and since you did accumulate a vast audience due to your role on the old spice commercials, you were put onto the trending charts which is why they were able to do a video on you. The test …show more content…

The one way people are swayed to a certain ideological position is due to including a celebrity into the products advertisement so that people who may look up to or admire the celebrity will be more interested in getting the product…it’s like a game of follow the leader in an instance. The Aristotelian appeals I noticed were both pathos and ethos. The usage of pathos was seen where you would connect to the views emotions through laughter and laughter is a powerful emotion. Ethos in the advertisement was seen as every time where as a viewer would see you on television or on the internet you constantly built a character personality for yourself as the “buff, and hype old spice guy” people know today. The usage of your body language can also persuade people, you are seen a very

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