Opcraft Staff Report

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Hello Opcraft community!

As most of you are aware Opcraft is always looking for new staff that are willing to take the role as Helper and exceed through the staff ranks and be the best of their capabilities.Although Opcraft has excellent staff we simply do not have enough to manage a 300+ player server.So as a Staff Manager of Opcraft I am here to inform you of this.

Opcraft is looking for players from all time zones, countries and ages who are willing to apply and dedicate their time to Opcraft, we are looking for these certain qualities in players that are willing to apply.

Loyalty- We are looking for staff who will stay purely loyal to Opcraft.We don't want staff slacking off to other servers or games whilst we are in need of staff on the server.We also don't want staff who resign right after they are promoted.This is a crucial part of being staff and if you don't think you can be loyal then don't bother applying.

Maturity-This quality plays a huge role in being an Opcraft staff member.We do not tolerate staff being immature on the server, as staff we must set a good example for players in the Opcraft community and act like role models for anyone who wants to apply.We do not need staff that will take serious situations irresponsibly. …show more content…

If you feel like you are ready for applying and you are loyal,active,mature and dedicated to Opcraft then go for it! Me and the other staff managers are willing to be less harsh on the applications but this won't mean all applicants will get pending interview.Remember if you are on the blacklist you will be instantly denied.You must be over 9 years of age to apply,if you get denied you must wait 1 week before re-applying.Do not ask staff to check your application otherwise you will be denied.Interviews are done over Discord ONLY.Good luck everybody! I hope to see all of you apply for staff and I will hopefully wll see you on the staff team!