Operation Allied Force Research Paper

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THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE AND OPERATION ALLIED FORCE Introduction Wars, human rights violations and poverty: these are among the main issues that the world is trying to deal with and come up with effective solutions. However, as practice has shown the results are far from being considered a success. Thus, the international community is still in a continuous search for powerful legal mechanisms that can lead the world to a more prosperous state and discourage both non-state and state actors from violating international laws. This is especially important in the matters of peace preservation and regulation of the use of force. A country’s internal and external security is a prerequisite for its further development. Preserving peace helps a state to avoid major financial, economic and human losses by making it possible to direct these resources to other channels that enhance a state’s growth. The scale and …show more content…

Particularly, this section focuses on neorealism and the role of collective security and international organizations in achieving world peace. Even though international security regulations and humanitarian interventions are designed to increase the level of stability in international system, it is found that they are not as effective as it was expected at the beginning. In addition, there is a debate regarding the legal regulations that are supposed to decide whether they should be allowed or not. The Operation Allied Force is introduced as the case for further analysis. The second part provides analysis of the case at hand. This section starts with political and legal framework of the Kosovo crisis and NATO’s role in it. Further, the issue of the operation’s legality is analyzed by using the theoretical framework introduced in the first part of the paper. In the concluding part the author provides a short summary of the study and its findings with further focus on

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