Organizational Analysis Assignment

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This organizational analysis will focus on Family Outreach Services, a program offered by the Maternal, Child Health Division at the Ingham County Health Department. According to the Ingham County Health Department’s 2016 Annual Report, the Ingham County Health Department’s mission statement is, “Our mission is to protect, improve, and advocate for the health and well-being of our community by identifying and advancing the conditions under which all people can achieve optimum health” (2017). This mission statement was newly changed as of 2016 and is an improvement in comparison to the previous one because it is short, concise and uses plain language. However, this mission statement should say something about people in Ingham County instead …show more content…

Respect for Others: We see the value of all people, and express this through respectful attention to their unique strengths and challenges. Service Excellence: We are here to serve people to the best of our ability, seeing beyond our own needs to meet theirs. Accountability: We are accountable for the quality, integrity and validity of our work. Continuous Mutual Learning: We are committed to learning through the experience and insight of others. Innovation: We seek new approaches and progressive solutions to problems, embracing change and accepting reasonable …show more content…

The empowerment theory is also used in the supervision of staff and in case management. Staff are able to create their own schedules to meet the needs of their clients and have room for flex time. In this case, the empowerment theory allows staff to have control over their own work, make policy decisions, gain expertise and personal empowerment (Hardina, et al., 2007). FOS also uses the Pathways practice model similarly to that of the Ohio based program, Community Health Access Project (CHAP) which employs Community Health Workers (personal communication, March 6, 2018). CHAP provides home visits using this, “… recognized model of community-based care coordination as a means of improving the basic health and social outcomes of individuals in neighborhoods with the greatest needs” (CHAP, 2018). A study conducted by Ohio Department of Health, Ohio State University and the Centers for Disease Control have found that the Pathways Model improve low birth weight outcomes and has been proven to be financially cost effective (CHAP,