Outline For Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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Rhetorical Analysis on Kinesiology Articles
Ever since ancient Greece, people have been using rhetorical strategies and appeals to persuade an audience to believe or follow the speakers’ ideas. In our current era, people use these same rhetorical strategies and appeals in writing to persuade readers to take action or take a side on a subject/idea. Rhetorical strategies and appeals are methods to get a reader to understand the purpose and idea of what the author is trying to persuade. When trying to influence an audience there are four elements of rhetorical appeals: logos the appeal to logic, ethos is the appeal to the credibility of the writer, pathos is the appeal to emotion, and kairos the timing of the work. By using these appeals the author would then use rhetorical strategies to help organize his or her work. There are four strategies: description is through providing evidence and facts, cause and effect are through comparing events to what it has done, exemplification is through giving examples, and …show more content…

The author us description to put an organized outline for how Kinesio tape work and has lack of research to explain how it is a marketing product rather than a helping with movement. The author mainly used the appeal logos and ethos by having multiple case study and experts testimonies on the subject that proves the tape is not unique compared to other taping tapes. By using these appeal it truly is shown that Kinesio tape has more of placebo effect for people using it rather than a scientific help for movement. Although this article is well written it still can be improved by giving statistical evidence for it would be easier to persuade an audience with mathematical proof than words of a person in the