Pal Buddhist School Mission Statement

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Why are some children were born into slums, and some don’t? What’s the meaning of life for those are born unequal/difficult circumstance to others? Many people initial decision to help others in need is to donate money to charities, however, this results in some people yearnings to feel unfulfilled and their questions still remain unsolved. Some student who attended a faith-based school may found some clarity in questions “school is where students can learn as a person and create their own perceptive of life with the help of teachers and school resources” (Josephine, 2017). Through spiritual and religious content taught in faith-based education encouraged individuals transformative learning has the opportunities to impact and to form perceptive …show more content…

Pal Buddhist develops student’s spiritual growth through their transformative learning to achieve self-actualization, purpose. A student on average will witness poverty locally, internationally, digitally or face to face in their everyday life this may result in questioning of the meaning of life for people in poverty and their own meaning. Understanding the concept of poverty spiritually and materialistic in the Tibetan tradition is to understand as an individual matter, social matter and religious matter. In the Tibetan tradition, when approached with poverty it teaches the “third aspect of ethical conduct in the eightfold path and involves livelihoods which do not break the undertakings of precepts such as not harming life or taking what is not freely given.” (Morgan, 2004) The eightfold path teachings are to have the right view, right aspiration, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration (Lopez, 2017). This teaching is portrayed in the sacred text Pali Canon ‘Saddhatissa lists those as trading in the flesh, in weapons, in human beings or poisons and doing what one does in a Buddhist way.’ – Saddhatissa, 1970: 144 (Pali, 1990) This demonstrate the ethical teaching the eight-fold path as it illustrates the relevance of attending to right livelihood and the co-operative sharing of wealth in a “world determined by capitalism and