Parent Involvement Analysis

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The definition of parent involvement is a comprehensive and unclear term and subject to interpretation. There are many ways to define parent involvement because involvement is different based on parents believe and school expectations of the families. Virtually all schools promote parent involvement. However, there are different types of involvement, ranging from encouraging volunteering for class trips, classroom helpers, fundraising, to workshop for parents to build skills needed to assist their children at home. Because of the unclear nature of what constitutes as parent involvement. Bower and Griffin (2014) explain parent involvement as the voluntary participation in various types of activities to help the children be successful in …show more content…

(1999) described parent involvement as the social relations that are encompass norms of trust, obligation, or reciprocity, if described in this manner, parent involvement is conceived of as a form of social capital. Parents invest their time, attention, and resources in their children with the expectation of a return namely that their children will perform better in school. Using this framework McNeal asserts that parent involvement consists of three broad domains, parent-child relations, parent-school relations, and parent-parent relations. In all three cases, it is generally assumed that parents invest time with their children, school personnel, or other parents with the expectation that their involvement will yield a tangible return. Parent interaction is described as the relationship between teacher and parent that will increase or decrease parent involvement. Thus, the attitudes and beliefs about what constitutes as parent involvement are unclearly defined, but the one fact that we can all agree upon is parent involvement has an enormous impact on student 's academic success and social development (Walker, …show more content…

However, parent involvement is a two-way collaborative effort requiring educators and parents working together to help students be successful in their academics and have a healthy social emotional development. Because of the unclear nature of what parental involvement entails many schools have adopted the Epstein model for parent involvement. This framework was developed to assist schools and parents to work collaboratively with each other by clearly defining each other’s roles in improving parent-school relationship to help students be successful in school and at