Patient Innovation Case Study

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Patient Innovation is a platform that enables patients and their caregivers to share their solutions in coping with their conditions to other patients with the same conditions. Founded in 2014, the Portugal-based startup has successfully shared more than 650 solutions from more than 40 countries. Besides sharing the solutions, Patient Innovation also connects the patients and their caregivers with collaborators who help them to create the solutions.
As Patient Innovation plans to implement its activities in Norway, one question emerges: how to commercialize this platform, in Norway, as it is a non-profit organization? As a non-profit information-sharing platform, it is challenging for Patient Innovation to gain income while adhering to its vision. On the other hand, commercialization is necessary for the survival of the organization. In addition, the organization also needs to employ more qualified employees in order to grow.
The other problem that will be discussed in the thesis is related to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), a recently prominent yet still ambiguous topic in Europe. In this case, Patient Innovation can be seen as an example of an e-health technology startup that applies the concept of RRI in …show more content…

The second chapter will be the innovation study, which will explain the type of innovation that Patient Innovation delivers through its products and services. This chapter is highly relevant to the third chapter, the market study, since the innovation study will determine the design of the marketing strategy. Lastly, the fourth chapter will include a business plan for commercializing Patient Innovation, which will be based on the studies of the previous chapters. Overall, the thesis will serve the purpose of presenting an effective commercialization strategy for Patient Innovation in