
Paul Writing To Timothy From Chapter 3: 1-13

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Paul writing to Timothy from chapter 3:1-13 was laying down foundational principles of how a church is supposed to be governed. He understood the importance of offices and designated duties. Paul was setting a standard for elders. His life directly reflected on how he would carry out his responsibilities in the church. For those of us who are elders, this passage did not only serve as a test of qualification, but as a personal challenge to maintain Godly ministry. What we are as children of God, will affect our ministry, like wise our personality will shape our ministry and thus our perspectives will become the church’s perspectives. It is very awesome if we as church leaders can live upright godly lives for God to use us impart others lives for His glory. He began by saying, he that desires (seeks) the office of a bishop (overseer) aspires to a good (responsible) work. He had earlier in Acts 20 exhorted the Ephesians elders concerning his example and their responsibility. Paul is very sensitive to the issue by the many qualifications one needs to possess before they actually take such a position. It should be noted here that: it is a call and not a profession that many are just looking but for advantages to be leaders in the churches today. …show more content…

Firstly, that he should be blameless – without rebuke. He should not only be a man who has good report, but one who deserves a good report. From his example, saints can learn more about God. He should be a man of ‘one wife’ – a ‘great mystery’ (Ephesians 5:30-32) and following God’s standards for marriage in Genesis 2:21-24. He is supposed to be vigilant and sober – watchful and alert. Be of good behavior, walking in holiness. Given to hospitality – a lover of hospitality. Meeting the needs of the saints. Must be apt to teach in meekness instructing those ‘that oppose themselves’ who are caught in the ‘snare of the devil’ (2 Tim 2:24-26 cf. Gal.

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