Peer Assessment In Physical Education

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Assessment plays an integral role in the teaching-learning cycle (DES & NCAA, 1999). This comprehensive process is a fundamental accountability measure for students and teachers in Physical Education (P.E). Ultimately, assessment in the P.E. environment should serve the purpose of enhancing and enriching the learning experience for students. It should provide them with feedback on their skill progression, motivate them to improve and contribute greatly to their overall development. It also guides the teacher, showing them both how and what the children are learning. This, in turn, enables them to adjust their lessons to account for all students in the classroom and self-reflect on their teaching practices for future planning.
Given the wide …show more content…

Students are actively involved in the process of assessment as they assess the performance of their peers carrying out a particular task or skill. It has gained much importance in educational learning and educational research in recent times with several studies denoting this alternative form of assessment as extremely effective in improving learning in students (Patton & Marty-Snyder, 2014). It has also shown to help increase motivation and engagement levels, improve communication and self-regulation skill as well as helping to empower students (Azarnoosh, 2013; Harrison, O’hara, & McNamara, 2015; Karami & Rezaei, 2015).
One example of a type of peer assessment is a check list handout. Attached to this document is an example of a peer assessment checklist that could be used for the chest pass lesson demonstrated in the video. Each student will take it in turns to step out of the drill and assess another student in the group. It is important to note that peer assessment activities like this should be scheduled prior to the habituation of skill errors (Johnson, …show more content…

It can be completed as a form of formative assessment to enable skill correction or at the end of a unit of work (i.e. summative assessment) to provide the student and teacher with information about their individual growth and progression over the course of the unit. Another important element of this assessment technique in this situation is that it may help teachers to become aware of more appropriate groupings for students (Ní Chróinín & Cosgrave, 2013). The use of ICT in assessment is particularly effective when the assessment criteria is related to the process of the movement, rather than the outcome i.e. throwing technique (O’Neill & Ockmore,

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