
Personal Accomplishments

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From a very young age I loved to read and I would often immerse myself in the world of literature through the books that I read. I recognized as a child that I wanted to have a hand in creating that world in some way as an adult, even if it was not directly writing stories. Even as a child as young as ten, I unexplainably knew that becoming an author wasn’t a goal I was confident in making. However, I still wrote stories and as stated previously, I wanted some part in creating stories. As I grew older, it became harder to hold onto that childhood dream. Growing up, the goals that I set for myself as a youth became just that: my childhood dreams. I let that aspiration slip through my fingers as I thought of choosing a career path that would …show more content…

I am currently in my second year of teaching first grade. In the confinements of my own thoughts, I have been held captive by the notion that I am only an individual that teaches children to read and write. I grew comfortable with the thought that this was my hand in the art of creating stories. I allowed myself to become complacent with my dreams and allowed the only relevance to the art of story making to be the guiding hand of these budding authors and readers. Only recently have I realized that while I may be comfortable in this position, I am not satisfied. I am currently allowing my ambition to be greater. I am interested in attending the University of Texas at Dallas to bring that childhood dream back to life. While I cherish opening the door of literature to my students, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to delve back into that art myself, exploring the beauty and intricacies of literature. At UTD I want to further my knowledge of the humanities and studies in literature. I have a deep appreciation for classic works and authors but I am also interested in learning more about the process of creating stories. I feel that UTD will offer an ideal environment to learn, create, and share the knowledge that I could potentially acquire, contingent on admission to the program. While I have pleased my parents by obtaining a career that does in fact, pay the bills, I now feel ready to pursue

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