Personal Statement: Dear Rossier School Of Education

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Dear Rossier School of Education Faculty,
Throughout my education I was not expected to succeed, english being my second language and attending low socioeconomic schools in the city of Santa Ana I was deemed to dropout of school like the majority of children before me. I rarely remember having a student-teacher relationship with an educator throughout my education, and as I succeeded academically my teachers were surprised but nothing more than surprised. Then there were the teachers that made all the difference, teachers that went above and beyond and left an everlasting impact on how I view education, and essentially what made achieving a higher education possible. With the guidance of teachers, instructors and school faculty I was admitted to the University of California Irvine which was not only an accomplishment and a dream of mine but an accomplishment for my family. My journey through education is still the reality of many children attending low socioeconomic schools and/or public schools today, Just like the amazing mentors I had throughout my education, I want to make a difference alongside of them by creating positive and supporting …show more content…

The role of an educator is not only to teach the many children that come through our classrooms, it is essential to form relationships with students that makes them feel like they matter and that goes above and beyond a teacher's job. It is essential for children to feel valuable, appreciated and motivated in the early stages of their education, the reason why I am pursuing a Masters of Arts in Teaching for an Elementary level academic setting. Receiving a Bachelor’s of Arts in Education Sciences at the University of California Irvine and the leadership roles I have undertaken in my employment has prepared me to begin and undertake a Masters of Arts in Teaching