
Explain Why I Want To Be In Honors English Essay

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When you’re little your dream job is usually to be an astronaut, a teacher, or just something extraordinary. I didn’t want to be any of those, I wanted and dreamed to become a writer and write the kind of books that people fell in love with. As I got older that changed and I became less interested in being a writer and more interested in the medical field. However, my love for writing and getting a better insight on literature has not changed. Don’t get me wrong I absolutely dread writing essays but I really live for the feeling when youŕe starting to write a paper and your head's so full of words and ideas that you can´t seem to put your pencil down. As you can tell, I love writing and that is one of the reasons why I would like the opportunity to be in honors English next year. …show more content…

I’ve been in Honors English since 7th grade so I kind of have an idea of how it’ll be like next year. In 8th grade both of my science and honors class hit me with writing a lot of essays and analyzing what we were reading and that prepared me for this year. In Honors English 1 I’m currently passing with an A and overall it’s a bit stressful but it’s not hard at all. I ended last quarter with a 4.0 and I’m working on ending this quarter with a 4.0 as well. This year wasn’t that stressful and I believe that I’m well equipped for what next year has to throw at

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