Personal Narrative: My Personal Leadership Profile

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Personal Leadership Profile
A personal leadership profile was developed to ascertain strengths and areas for development with corresponding goals for growth. The profile included a visual graphic to prompt action towards goals and personal tips for continued optimism. Self-reflection was utilized to create the profile and will continue to be an integral piece of leadership development (Marques, 2017).
Critical Self Analysis related to Visual Graphic
In a review of personal strengths and weaknesses related to leadership, this author identified two areas of strength, including ethics and communication (see Figure 1). Four areas for ongoing development were also identified with with linked relationships (see Figure 1). Execution has been linked …show more content…

Personal vision statements may encompass who one is, what one wants to be and important values used to make decisions (Criminal Watchdog, (n.d.). In addition they may evolve over time (Criminal Watchdog,n.d.).
Personal Vision Statement
I wish to live out the values of my faith in personal and professional endeavors. I want to continue to train and teach to motivate and educate, enhancing and expanding my efforts and training opportunities with a Doctor of Education in Leadership.
Strategic Leadership Development Plan
Leadership Goals Section
Once a personal vision statement is set, goals may be generated which are may be peak or distal (Masuda, Kane, Shoptaugh, & Minor, 2010). In addition, strategies to reach the goals will follow from the goal setting process (Masuda, Kane, Shoptaugh, & Minor, 2010). Goals should be built on areas of strength which will assist in improving weaker areas (Krapfl & Kruja, 2015). Peak goals are the most distal that an individual can imagine while proximal goals are sub-goals to reach the peak goals and task goals are trigger the use of specific strategies to support the higher level goals (Masuda, Kane, Shoptaugh, & Minor, 2010). Criminal Watchdog (n.d.) advocated the use of goals which are specific, measurable, attainable and …show more content…

July 2019
Distal Goals
• Join a professional business woman’s group for networking purposes ( September 2018)
• Obtain the credential of Doctorate of Educational Leadership (December 2019)
• Continue presentations at professional conferences within professional field (2x annually)
• Present at a professional conference outside my field (1x annually by July 2019)
Personal Plans
The personal planning section provides information on motivational techniques and strategies to assist in staying on track to reach distal and peak goals. Optimism in a leader, defined as being enthusiastic and hopeful about the future, has been found to improve followers optimism which increases work engagement and enhances goal achievement (Hanssen et al., 2015; Tims, Bakker, & Xanthopoulou, 2011). To maintain optimism, fifty-eight years of life experience has provided a positive effect from the following practices for this author with most techniques also backed by research. A list of these personal practices is presented here.
• Spend daily time in prayer and Bible reading (Rodgers & Gago, 2006)
• Read inspirational quotes and messages from uplifting