I quickly sprang into action, I started army crawling to the mule deer it had to at least be a 6 x 7. I was about 20 yards away and it started running I pulled the trigger twice all I heard was “Click Click.” I had had forgot to insert the mag. The deer had gotten away I was very mad at myself for not thinking clearly.
My personal Artifact is a baseball my son and I caught at the Giants game. It is white, round, has red stitches, and is smooth when new, but when we caught it it was beat up and the blue writing on it was smeared. A baseball is small and light in size. It can be thrown at speeds up to 100 MPH, or hit at at speeds higher than 100MPH, so when playing the game or watching you should be paying attention at all times. A baseball is made of a rubber or cork center, wrapped in yarn very tight, covered by white leather with red stitching around the out side, making it a very hard ball.
Why Bow Hunting is Exciting Imagine sitting in a tree stand with a bow in your hand and out of nowhere a large buck just comes around the trees. You then grab your arrow and you get ready then you slowly draw your bow back and hold it behind the deer’s shoulder and you wait for him to stop. Then when he stops you get ready and you release the arrow towards the deer. This could be you having the excitement of a deer walking out in front of you.
I think shooting the deer was the best feeling in my life. No one will feel it unless your a true hunter. What I realized about myself is that I’m strong and can do whatever I want if I put my mind to it. This experience of hunting with guys the whole time and one other female and getting a deer was so touching. I learned how to live with a mess.
Hunting to me is something special. Not only are you putting food on the table but you are making some very good memories. One of the best memories I have is my very first hunt, it was my dad and I we were in the blind for maybe thirty mintues and a little six point buck walks and looks around then goes back into the tall grass then my dad rattles the antlers and he comes out and boom that was the end of it. It was an amazing expericence and every since then I have never stopped hunting.
My artifact is a fox pinch pot. It was handmade by me. Choosing colors, it ended up orange and black. My pinch pot is important because it was something I made. Every pinch made, took valuable time and endless effort.
The deer ran away about 60 yards from where I killed it. I couldn’t even believe it. I called and texted my mom she couldn’t even believe it. We had to wait a few minutes to see where it was because if it was still alive we didn’t want to scare it off. We waited 5 minutes but during those five minutes me and my dad celebrated and hugged for probably 2 minutes.
Bun An Sun Everyone has objects that tell them about their characters, past, and who they are. There are many objects that tell a story in my life and my personality. It ranges from my colorful hat to my pair of awesome black Nike shoes, but something that is really important to me and presents exactly who I am is Jewelry. It is a gold chain with a wood Buddha pendant. It is significant to me not because of its value, but it was a gift from my grandfather before he passed away.
I saw a little bunting buck walk by but it was not shooter. I saw a nice shooter buck a seven pointer with a split G2. I saw a little fawn and a small doe. I was thinking about what my friend told me about how you take deer poop and corn or deer
This is an object that relates to my life significantly and has over the years molded my character. Body
Although chasing perfection can be seen as a downfall, it has shaped who I am and what I have accomplished. Simultaneously, allowing this drive to become hyperfocused can quickly become my greatest downfall. As high school progressed, I realized that I was constantly seeking perfection within my academic classes and extracurriculars. Every time I achieved “perfection,” it gave more reason to push and explore further.
The first thing I found was the ring that my mother gave to me that her mother gave to her. That ring meant everything to me. My grandmother used to tell me that one
Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted him. His glossy feathers seemed to be shimmering in the blaze of the sunrise. All I ever wanted my entire life was that moment. I tried to be a ruthless killer that lurked in the damp wilderness that morning. Hunting was my passion, and I needed that single moment of success.
My Passions I personally believe that I am a multipotentialite. I do not have one particular passion, I have many. I love talking to people, planning, and most importantly helping people figure out what to do, and how to do it. According to Emile Wapnick in her Ted Talk not every person has one specific passion.
Dinner tonight has been taken care of, as we kill the opening day limit in only one group of birds. The number of birds flying around us increases rapidly; it is expected as other hunter fire around us. I am ecstatic as we just sit and watch the beautiful ducks circle our spread of decoys. Duck hunting guns are lots of thing: We are a tough group a goal driven group and group of fools at