
Personal Narrative: My Trip To Hawaii

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We got together on August 02, 2013. Everything we did was out of love. We went to the movies we did all kinds of stuff to help push us though the hardships and the obstacles in our way. We dis great at that. I love you, you love me everything was great. We went to Hawaii over the summer and watched your parents get remarried and they have been together 20 years that is great but we have been together 2 years this year and everything seems to have changed this year ever since we went back to school. After Hawaii we moved in together I thought it was the most wonderful thing in the world that we were able to move in together. I loved the simple fact that we were going to be able to come home to one another and love each other every night. It …show more content…

I felt like every conflict and aver argument was my fault in some way. I felt like I wasn’t paying you enough attention while we lived together. I tried to love you and go to work make my payments on time and pay the electric bill. I hated that I was too busy doing that over spending time with you. I hated myself for that. I hated the simple fact that when I wasn’t at work you were and vice versa, but I did like that I was waking up and going to bed with the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Everything I did was to try to make you happy and wanted you to love living with me. I know thing got stressful and things got hard but that are some of the thing that we have to fight though an love one another for making it though one of the obstacles again and that is a victory for the relationship that we are trying to …show more content…

I was starting to get tired and my phone was dead I was laying on the couch and I started to dose off. I wanted to text you or call you to try to let you know that is was going to stay there for the night. But I was already asleep before I even know it. As I woke up I went to my mom’s to let the dogs out. After leaving there I want home to where I couldn’t find you so I went looking for you and found you at your mom’s house feed her dogs I asked you “HEY what you doing” you response was “Feeding the dogs” I was find with that response. I went home because I got up really early and was tried so I was going to take a nap. I was really tired. After I was wondering where you were you came in and was getting ready and you left and said “I am leaving” I said “ok be careful” I know where you were going because you told me before that you and Rachel were going to have breakfast that morning. Everything seemed fine to

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