Personal Reflective Essay

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Although there were subjects which I have excelled, there were other subjects that proved difficult. The subjects that proved difficult consists both foreign language and world history. These subjects continued to confound my understanding as the course continued to progress; thus, this resulted to greater complexity later in the course. The factors that have triggered difficulties in these subjects include applying what was learned and contemplating my failures as opposed to moving forward. Fortunately, the auxiliary efforts made by my high school teachers and friends have allowed to advance towards being a better student. These subjects have allowed me to improve as a student leaving very minimal areas of issues to remain. During my academic …show more content…

All of these subgroups focused towards the goal in allowing students to comprehend and become fluent in the language. In Spanish, both reading and writing became relatively easier as I continued to participate in the class activities. On the other hand, speaking became incredibly difficult as Spanish felt as a distinct and complex language. Unlike reading and writing that consists of similar English characters, speaking proved to be unassailable. The unfamiliarity in speaking contributed to overall difficulty in general. The factor inhibiting my ability to apply Spanish proved an influential factor as I practiced Spanish in a household that speak dominantly Bengali. I was not able to practice the speaking portion of Spanish because I had no one to converse to in Spanish. As my grades continued to falter as a result from the speaking component in Spanish, I was scared and appalled at the situation that I was bestowed upon. Consequently, I continued to be held back as I spent numerous hours …show more content…

For Spanish, I became dedicated and spent time on just speaking in Spanish. Although there were times I greatly altered the meaning of the phrase around my Spanish speaking friends during the weekends, they amended my mistakes. Ever since this approach in tackling the problem, I have became better equipped in Spanish as my year in the new public school reinforces such success. In World History, I decided to spend more time in learning the material again after school or in my leisure time. Along with this, I was offered an AP preparation book by an upperclassmen that help me adjust to an AP class. The book was formatted in a way that was both comprehensible and effective. Both of these initiatives diminished the majors issues. As of result, these initiatives proved to be successful towards the end of the year where I attained higher