
Personal Statement

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The human body is a wonder of intricate design and the most extraordinary specimen on earth. Knowledge that generations before had learnt over the years has given the world true insight on how the body works in great detail. The most astonishing aspect of the human body is how it stays alive and fights for survival. I want to be able to expand my knowledge on the way the human body works and help others in unison.

As long as the most distant memory in my mind can allow me I have always had an interest in science. My childish fascination has only grown over the years into an interest in biology and chemistry. These two sciences will equip me with not only the knowledge but the skills essential to help others. At a young age I had yellow fever …show more content…

The current course that I am studying has helped me develop research skills and organisational skills, while the experience that I gained from working at both nursing homes and nurseries has given preparation for working in a field that demands a skilled person.

In a previous course that I had studied, there was a particular unit that sparked interest. Unit 11 Physiology of Human Body Systems this is an in-depth view into the body systems and how they function together. For instance in I learnt about homeostasis and how certain systems communicate with other systems to stay regulated. During this course I also had the opportunity to study chemistry side by side with biology and has been an advantage.

Work experience has allowed me to put my knowledge into practice. I have completed work placements that have given me the experience to work in professional teams. It has given me insight into the importance of the working in a simulated environment. Working in care homes and nurseries I was able to help with patients needs and develop my empathetic skills and observational

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