
Personal Statement

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I am currently studying a BSc Psychology degree at the University of Leeds. Working with children is something I have always wanted to get into throughout the whole of my education. I love being in children’s company and find them entertaining and love the rewards working with them brings. I love the silly things they come out with and believe the job satisfaction is one of the main reasons that draw me to wanting to be a teacher. Being a teacher possesses a lot of rewards, for one, the positive impact you can have on a child not just in their education but their life as well. The encouragement and satisfaction you get from helping a child to understand a tricky concept or finally grasp their times tables and seeing the joy on their face. It’s rewarding as you can see and aid children to grow and develop from babies into motivated …show more content…

This was the first experience I had with children that pulled me towards a career in teaching. I also did a placement at St. Chads C of E primary school, a school which I also attended during my primary education. This gave me the opportunity to gain valuable experience within teaching giving me the chance to develop skills that I would need in the future. Observing teachers interacting with the children gave me an insight on how they approach different situations and the different learning techniques that they used with regards to the year group that was being taught. It also showed me how different children need different levels of support and treatment. Some need more praise where others can get on with the work on their own. I also observed how they changed the learning approach for children who maybe need extra help or take longer in understanding concepts. The more time I spent in the school reinforced my desire to teach in the

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