
Personal Statement

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“ What do you want to be when you grow up? “ To some people this question is the hardest to answer, but for me it's the easiest because I know what I want to be, and i'm on my path to becoming a Dentist. I have been very passion about dentistry for a long time because helping people is something very important to me and sciences are subjects that never ceases to amaze me.

First of all, A dentist is a doctor who is specialized in teeth only. The dentist remove tooth decay, fill cavities and repair fractured teeth, also diagnoses and treats problems with patients’ teeth, gums, and related parts of the mouth. The dentist provides advices and instructions on taking care of the teeth and gums and on diet choices that affect oral health to all …show more content…

I started to observe the procedures the doctor does, the advices he gives and the plan he follows. To me that was very interesting finding solution, having a plan in advance. Also, I noticed between all the other fields in medical, dentistry was the improving the most and very quickly, the amount of technology being used is keeps expanding . I have been considering being a dentist for the past three years. Being critical thinker and Finding solutions to a problem is something im very good at, also I enjoy studying sciences and helping people is something I love to do, and combining technology with science is something i'm very interested in and i'm good at technology. Dentistry is a combination of all of them. My strength areas are in sciences, I took all the three sciences (Chemistry, Physics and Biology) every year in high school although it wasn’t required but i wanted to take them for the passion i have for sciences and then i started taking higher science subjects like AP Biology and I go to Tiger woods learning center after school to take more science …show more content…

Everyone in my family followed their passion and fought against the odds to pursue their careers. From lawyers to doctors to businessmen to computer engineers. But the person that encouraged me the most is my mother. My mother is my role model, between her siblings she was the first girl to become a lawyer. She studied for years and worked hard when there was limited help given to her and still she graduated with honors and pursed her career. Which encouraged me even more to fight and work very hard to become a dentist no matter how hard or long it might take be. My mother always tells me “ If studying and working on something you're passionate about and it’s taking a long time then it's worth it as long as that time is not wasted. Because you will be rewarded in the end.” My uncle is a pediatrician who works in the medical field and always gives me advices but i'm the first to be pursuing

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