Personal Statement

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Following my high school graduation, I plan to attend SFA to study environmental science. I have chosen this major on the basis of my passion for conservation and sustainability. I will be studying environmental science in pursuit of a career in conservation research and sustainability. My goals in this major include acquiring meaningful knowledge, expanding my understanding of environmental concerns, and gaining a clear outlook on the work that is needed from me to make a difference in my field. My interest in this field spurs from the fact that our world is taking a turn for the worst. Climate change is causing glaciers to melt and sea levels to rise, pollution of our air and water is impacting the lives of millions, and deforestation is promoting global warming. At this point in time, the well-being of the environment is on a downward spiral due to such human activity., and there is no sign of circumstances getting any better, especially not if we carry on the same way we are now. These matters are pressing and prominent, but they can be reversed, or at least repaired, if we acknowledge the …show more content…

Rainforests, oceans, country sides, and so many other natural marvels are being destroyed every day for the purpose of maintaining the current human lifestyle that so many of us live by. Humans move so fast in our modern world; everything is changing too rapidly, and we are losing time to repair our ailing world. There are so many renewable energy sources in the world that, if we would only take advantage of them, would completely change our world for the better. I believe that, with the right knowledge and ingenuity, we can apply modern technology and science to the natural world as a means of restoring our environment to its previous state of

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