Personal Statement

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After completing an undergraduate degree in English, Communications and Theatre, I decided to pursue a Masters degree in Teaching (MAT) from Northern Kentucky University. Upon completion, I began teaching high school where I taught classes such as English, Speech Communications and Theatre. I taught with a Rank 2 level for nearly 14 years before I decided I wanted to earn a Rank 1. Over those 14 years, I became highly interested in the Gifted and Talented Program at my school. As head of the Fine Arts Department, I was able to help our Gifted and Talented Coordinator develop many programs that benefitted the students labeled as gifted and/or talented in the arts. That is what made me decide I wanted to complete my Rank 1 in Gifted and Talented Education. Choosing a graduate program for Gifted Education was an interesting process where I had to make some difficult decisions. After several discussions with our GT Coordinator s well as several other GT Coordinators in my area, I learned that WKU had the best program. They were highly-esteemed not just in Kentucky, but also nationwide. I was also told that there were much easier programs at various colleges and universities in Kentucky that offered a GT Program. I decided I that I really wanted to learn form the best in the field, and that seemed to be Dr. Julia Roberts at WKU. …show more content…

The teaching pathway that I chose was a part of the Teacher Leader Program that I am working to complete within the next year. I do not intend to pursue a position within the Teacher Leader field (such as teacher coach). However, I feel that all the skills associated with being an effective teacher leader are the same skills needed to be an effective GT Coordinator. Skills such as collaboration, knowing your content and being a good communicator are essential to a Gifted and Talented

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