Personal Statement

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Beyond the application, LSAT score, and Grade Point Average, who am I. I am an African American, young woman from a lower economical status. My intersectionality qualities are what help describe me but do not define me, although I have faced hardships, I have not allowed any of the adversities I have faced stop me from excelling and achieving my goals. Fifteen years ago someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up and why? My response at eight years old was that I wanted to become a lawyer, because I like to argue and research things. My other reason for wanting to become a lawyer was to help keep my brothers out of trouble by being able to provide representation. My interest in law stemmed from my vicarious experiences with the legal …show more content…

Many of my experiences have molded me into a strong, hardworking humble individual. I have grown into a leader and will forever be a survivor. I was raised in a single parent home by my mother, whom provided more than ninety-five percent of my needs and wants. My father was present emotionally and financially up until my senior year of high school when he lost his battle with cancer. My siblings played a major role in my life, even though there is an eighteen and a thirteen year gap between me and my two brothers. They always made me feel loved and safe although they had run-ins with the criminal justice system. Many of their choices affected my mother and I but the love never changed. Education was a very important thing in our home. I chose to push through and complete high school, resulting in me graduating in the top 10% of my graduating class of 2009. I did so while maintaining a part-time job I entered the work force at fourteen. Receiving my high school diploma showed me how discipline and hard work will help you reach every goal you have set for yourself. Joining the work force without having an On the Job training class taught me two things how to better organize tasks and customer service. Customer service was a skill that is very hands on and something that cannot be taught ; having the ability to asses and handle a situation with

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