Personal Statement

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When I was a kid I have enjoyed making things, As I’ve grown older I have realized I am constantly asking questions, how do things work, and how can I do something better. I have always enjoyed challenging myself. Engineering was obviously the choice for me.

The construction of solutions that is so important in engineering also requires a design process, and this is another reason for my interest in engineering. Engineers must use their imagination, think outside the box and come up with designs and solutions which have never been thought of before. In this way, engineering is a creative outlet, allowing me to use the imagination I use, in a way that will hopefully one day change my life. The fact that I am able to use my creativity in this way is one of the major attractions of engineering, it is always pushing me to get better.

When I was a kid I’ve always enjoyed building or making things, whether it is lego, or even paper planes. The ability to make something from your own mind and to see it finished in front of you makes you feel good about yourself and you have accomplished something. Also when building and making things, even as simple as a paper plane, you need to find the best possible blueprint to meet the requirements. …show more content…

That is why I chose engineering. It is always changing. Once one problem is solved, you face another problem, maybe more different than from the last. You can never become bored, and the changing things of your work makes it more challenging and enjoyable. As an engineer you work with a group of people from different backgrounds and different experiences, using the knowledge of each person to find the best possible solution. It is a job that involves a large amount of interaction with other

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